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Conway Township

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Assessor -  Brande Nogafsky email      Phone 517-223-0358 ext 108

Weather Permitting, our office will be out updating our record cards and photos throughout the year as required by the State of Michigan, if you wish to make an appointment or view record cards please call Conway Township hall or email 

Phone calls and emails will be returned within 7 days.

Assessor Hours: Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.                                     Board of Review & Zoning Board of Appeals minutes

Find assessing information and property details by clicking here.

Should you have a question regarding the blue property inspection cards, please contact Brande.

There is a $25 research fee for any research requested (by someone other than the homeowner) before it is completed. The fee can be paid here.

Address Change Form 

Assessor Accessibility Policy

Poverty Exemption Asset Test

Poverty Exemption Application

Poverty Exemption Affidavit

Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy to Remain Exempt by Reason or Poverty

Principal Residence Exemption (PRE)

Rescind Principal Residence Exemption (Rescind PRE)

Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA)

Veterans Exemption

Veterans Exemption Rescind

Agricultural Property Shall Remain Qualified Agricultural Property

Commercial ECF Sales Study 2025 Assessment

Residential and AG. ECF Table 2025 Assessment

Glen Mary ECF Table 2025 Assessment

Redhawk-Eva Lane ECF Table 2025 Assessment

Secluded Ridge ECF Table 2025 Assessment

Commercial Vacant Land Study Sales 2025 Assessment

Industrial Vacant Land Sales Study for 2025 Assessment

Vacant Residential Land Sales Study for 2025 Assessment

Vacant AG. Land Sales Study 2025 For Assessment

The Office of the Assessor is responsible for the assessing of real and personal property in the township. Property Transfer Affidavits and Principal Residence Exemption Affidavits are filed and maintained by this office.
The assessing department's main function is to maintain a record of each property in the township. The types of data maintained on assessment record cards are building sketches, legal descriptions, square footage and year built. This office also provides the following services:
 * Maintains section and plat maps
 * Land splits and the issuance of tax identification numbers
 * Personal Property records are also filed with this office
 * Appeals of assessments are made to the Board of Review in March 

Information regarding individual parcels of property in Conway Township including tax status is being made available electronically solely as a service to residents, realtors, appraisers, lenders and others who routinely inquire about such otherwise publicly available information. Though the township attempts to regularly maintain this information and to periodically review its accuracy, persons obtaining and using or attempting to obtain or use such information do so with the full knowledge and understanding that such information may not always be available, up to date or correct. 

Neither the Township nor its hosting agent make any warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality and fitness for a particular purpose and those arising by statute or otherwise in law or from the course of dealing or usage of trade. Nor does the Township or its hosting agent represent or warrant that the program or the services will meet any or all of the user's requirements, that the operation of the program will be error-free or uninterrupted and that all program errors in the software will be found and corrected. 

Persons obtaining information from this source understand and agree that they are solely responsible for its use and that neither the Township nor its hosting agent are liable for damages resulting from such use.